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Key Person

Dedicated staff for your little one

We believe that children settle best when they have a familiar member of staff to relate to, who knows them and their parents well, and who can meet their individual needs. We feel that this benefits the child, the parents, the staff and the Nursery by providing secure relationships in which children thrive, parents have confidence, staff are committed and we as a nursery are a happy and dedicated place to attend or work in. We have a settling in procedure that we encourage parents to adhere to.

We want children to feel safe, stimulated and happy in the nursery and to feel secure and comfortable with staff. We also want parents to have confidence in both their children’s well-being and their role as active partners with the Nursery.

We aim to make the nursery a welcoming place where children settle quickly and easily because consideration has been given to the individual needs and circumstances of children and their families.

The key person role is set out in the Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Within our Nursery a key person is assigned for each child, they will observe them in their play so that they can plan future opportunities and experiences that best meet their needs and interests.

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