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Daily Routine

Why routine matters

In the nursery we adopt a child-centred approach to learning, where the children are free to play throughout the day and develop their skills through play. However there are routines to the day, although these need to be flexible to adapt to the child’s needs and interests.

8.00 am

9.00 – 11.30 am
Children choose from a wide range of experiences available throughout the nursery and garden, some led by adults and some that the children will explore and develop themselves. During this time we also provide a rolling snack bar, where children are supported to help themselves to fresh fruit, vegetables and a healthy carbohydrate option. Water is available at all times and milk at snack time .

Tidy up time

11.40 – 12.00am
Group time – This is a much more structured element of the session which is led by the children’s key worker. It enables children to develop a sense of belonging as a member of a small group, and is used to help develop social skills by sharing information, reading stories and singing together. It is used as a learning opportunity to extend children’s thinking and to build on the experiences they have had throughout the session.

12.00 – 1.00pm
Lunch time

1.00 – 4.00pm
repeat of the morning session

4.00 – 6.00pm
Tea time /activities

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